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[ Basement Building ]
make tutorials as a way of "fixing" in my ageing, greying brain the way to do
complex things, usually when I have struggled and bashed them into my own brain the
hardest way possible! I do not claim to be the first to understand a tool, but I
think I am quite good at explaining how to do things. Maybe these very simple
walkthroughs will be of use to somebody else too.
So here they are. Happy building!
[ Skinning with BodyShop ] [ Transparent Glass Tiles ] [ Stairs ] [ Basement Building ] [ Built-in Garage ] [ Building on Slopes ] [ Going Up ] [ Export Lots ] [ Export Sims ] [ Custom Neighbourhoods ] [ Making Sims 2 Terrains in Sim City 4 ] [ A Brand New City ] [ My Documents ]
- I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you here to my
teachers, the patient
people on TSR and Simshost
Hullabaloo and elsewhere in the Sims community who have explained things to
me over and over and posted inspirational pictures of their wonderful buildings.
- If you have any problems with these walkthroughs, please do contact
Other people's Tutorials - these are worthy of special mention IMHO.