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Notes on Chemistry
- Everyone loves their own aspiration; Grilled Cheese Sims are obsessed with other
Grilled Cheese Sims and only really happy with them as partners.
- Other strong attractions will be seen with Family-Knowledge or
- The worst combinations are Family-Romance, Wealth-Cheese,
Popularity-Cheese, or Pleasure-Knowledge.
- Romance is one of the worst aspirations for generating chemistry
while the best are Family and Pleasure
- Astrology:
- The lustiest signs are Sagittarius, Taurus, Pisces.
- The most frigid are Libra, Leo, and Aries.
- The vacation benefit "Je Ne Sais Quoi" and the Romance benefit
"Massive Attraction" each increase attraction by a lot... but
being on Twikki Island by a very small amount.
- Two Sims sharing a First Kiss may add a bolt.
January 30, 2019