[ Sims 2 Stories ] [ Strangetown Bulletin 5 ]

Strangetown Bulletin 6: the Caliente Sisters

Back in Pleasantview, they took themselves out on the town and see if they could catch themselves a MAN, and on that busy evening, one of the people they met was Phil Jitmakusol, who tickled Nina's fancy. Dina, the same evening, picked up a rather attractive bartender called Alan Rossi. Alan was green, and had been given a month to move to Strangetown, as the new regulations regarding colour had only just come into effect.

Eventually, both Phil and Alan moved in with the sisters. Nina was rather too interested in Alan for Dina's liking, so she and Alan moved to Strangetown; while Phil, an Inventor, and Nina planned to stay in Pleasantview. A decent income would help a lot! She had a son by Phil, who was officially called Norman but everyond calls him Normal. Because he is.

Hearing from Dina that she was quite ill, they went to stay in Strangetown, but it was too late for Dina, who died in her sister's arms of that year's horrible pneumonia. Nina cried, for half an hour, and she even smudged her makeup. Her sister had been part of her life... well, forever. Also, now that she hadn't any competition with her sister any longer, she found she no longer fancied Dina's widower, Alan.

She was getting restless at home so started working as an astrologer. This coupled very well with Phil's and Normal's fascination with astronomy.

One night, Phil was, in his turn, abducted by aliens, and in due course he gave birth to a little girl, green skinned, who Ninam named Philomena. He completely failed to accept what was happening and rejected his daughter. So, Nina asked the Social Worker to take her for adoption. "Don't worry, I am sure I can find her a lovely home. In fact, I have one person in mind already. She will only need to spend a night or two at the orphanage."

Joe Fish's fiancée Marielle Peshterianu was delighted to adopt Philomena. Too old to have children of her own, but still young enough to enjoy having a youngling around, she assured Nina that she and all her family would be able to visit the little one whenever she wanted, and that she would be very well provided for. "I have this HUGE home and I need someone to keep me company there. She will have whatever she wants, and eventually inherit."

Nina herself was not very well, and nearly died during her pregnancy, but survived to bring forth Ninotchka! She wasn't happy with Phil though, and finally divorced him. "He has no dress sense whatsoever - and Vidz is better in bed!" for by this time she was seeing Vidcund Curious.

Vidcund had two children of his own by now, blue twins called Varsi and Parsifal; once the divorce came through, Phil moved out of the area, leaving the children with Nina: Normal, Parsifal, Varsi and Ninotchka to look after.

Nina somehow managed to keep her job as a freelancing psychic, while Vidcund was rather unsettled in his nursing career, and thought he might change, so wasn't averse to staying hiome the odd day to do the childcare.

Phil did occasionally pop in to visit Normal. He did provide handsomely for his children, which enabled Nina to pay for significant improvements to their little house: eventually an extra floor and some extensions to the sides, and a clean, safe, pleasant enclosed patio at the rear for the little ones to play on.


Ninotchka liked to sunbathe from a very early age.

Again, taking after her mother.

Seen here playing Peek-a-Boo with Vidcund, Ninotchka has her mother's hair.

Normal spent every minute he could with his cousin Pascalita. Of course, they shared an interest in astronomy.

Soon it was everyone's birthday! Well, the younger children. Alan Rossi, their uncle, came over to the party.

(Nina always gets a pink kitchen in my games.)

Parsifal has amazing blonde locks.

And aged up well.

Varsi went from a striking toddler into a stunning looking little girl.

Nina could see that child was going to be trouble. "Here I am in my bikini with my pregnant tummy, and they are all looking at HER!"

Yes, she would be trouble.


Nina had a really nasty stiff neck, the day of the birthday party.

Monty in Riverblossom