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Smooth Game
For Sims 3 achieving a smoothly running game can be quite demanding.
Here are some tips.
- I use 3-booter to load it. This stops the game running at stupid frames
a second, and potentially burning out your graphics card! Mine showed 200
FPS at times. No
human eye can see as fast as that.
- DO NOT use Origin! It slowed my game down MASSIVELY. For me, not using
it meant I had to totally uninstall and reinstall, and STOP at patch 1.67.
Do NOT install patch 1.69, as all it seems to do is enable Origin.
- NEVER ‘Save’. ALWAYS ‘Save as’. Saving overwrites
your last save, and if something causes your save to become corrupt, you
will lose EVERYTHING. Using ‘Save as’ ensures that each time
you save, a new save folder is created. if for some reason your most recent ‘save
as’ is corrupted, the last backup should be roughly around the same
spot. you’ll lose hours of work, rather than months of work! You can
get a mod that reminds you to "Save as" from NRaas, or use AM's config. You
will need to clean out some of the Save folders from time to time to avoid
- Back up your .sim files and home lots, not just your save files. Put them
in a folder outside of your TS3 folder. Upload them to a file sharing service
biweekly (or more, depending how much you play). That way if for some reason
your computer dies or needs to be wiped, you’ll have a recent save of
your current families stored in the cloud. Also, if you upload a S3P of your
family’s current lot, you may be able to salvage some cc, or at the very
least, the structure of their home. Backing up the library file might also
be a good idea.
- Convert anything that you can to package files. When you download
CC in a Sims3Pack format, separate what can and cannot be converted
into separate
- Use Delphy’s S3P multi-extractor. Convert anything
and everything except lots, worlds and counters/patterns (because they may
break your game!).
COUNTERS OR PATTERNS to package files. Extracting counters may lead to some
bugs and extracting (some!) patterns leads to the “materializing materials” error
in CASt.
- “Quarantine” new cc! Put my new cc into a folder
named “toxic” or "test" or "Careful" or whatever
suits your style. Whatever you call it, the process is the same. If you are
able to play
without any issues, for a couple of loads, THEN move the cc from “toxic” into
the general CC population and repeat as you add new cc. If for some reason
your game won’t start, move the‘toxic’ folder out and
start troubleshooting. You could also just sort your cc folder by “last
added”, but if you
move your CC folder around a lot (I do sometimes move the subfolders in and
out of my game folders) the dates will not always be correct and it may be
harder to find the offending cc.
- Use Delphy’s Dashboard to find
corrupted CC, duplicates and conflicts.
- Depending on your computer's specs, some worlds may be just too big, or
too heavily built or populated to play comfortably. Find out what size plays
well. I find with a large world, turning off snow helps!
- A LOT of trees in a world can cause problems. Forested worlds seem to give
me trouble.
- NRAAS mods: I usually use Master Controller, ErrorTrap, Overwatch and Register.
- AwesomeMod.
Credits: #riskywoohoo, #Simmery and other hijinks, #MATY, #Neighbourhood99
and many many more.