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Science Group Project


Level 10 - Group Science Project - This is the Group Science Project which can be found at the University Campus. As a Career reward, you'll find it in your family inventory. It does allow multiple Sims to work the controls, although there are three outcomes based on the color you choose.

Interface with the Green Mind Melder Module - Hive Mind: Gives all nearby Sims the Hive Mind moodlet for 6h, which increases skill gains. Use this then head to the Library to get an even better boost when reading skill books. This is one useful buff and makes leveling Science all the more worth it.
Adjust the Blue Magnatomic Pulse Array - Everyone nearby is knocked out and gets the Power Nap moodlet for 3h. Upon waking from the power nap, all motives are filled!
Study the Red Pad Tie Node - Uninhibited moodlet for 4h. May encourage Streaking among those affected.

Fourth Outcome - All Three Activated - With a single Sim, or three who have achieved level 10 Science. When all 3 are lit, the machine produces a white beam. This calls down a positive meteor shower of collectibles and loot. No one will be harmed by the experiment. I am told that it's possible with a single Sim, by using each of the 3 nodes, watching the bars on the side. Use one, let the meter fill to 33%, use the other to 66% and finally to 99%. Using any of the three colors, you then get a white beam that calls down the Meteor Shower.