More Stairs
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[ Dogleg Inside Foundation House ] [ Dogleg Staircases ] [ Nustairs ] [ Stairs in Foundation ] [ Spiral Stairs ]
There will still be a one-tile "hole" - this can be filled in
various creative ways.
- Level Plot.
- Build a square of foundation for your hall.
- Wall it.
- Mark the corner with a red tile. It helps!
- Cheat: boolprop constrainfloorelevation false
- drop to basement level.
- raise the corner tile directly under your red square by 3 clicks.

- go up to the upper floor level.
- use floor tiles to level the floor there. This will pull the walls back
to basement level.
- Cheat: boolprop constrainfloorelevation true
- remove the foundation slabs immediately next to the raised tile.

- place lower flight of stairs on ground floor
- up a floor.
- Make sure there are four empty tiles to place staircase.
- Then drop stairs to red tile.
- You should now have a staircase. This is a good time to add bannisters
(rails) and put a different tile on the landing (red) tile.

- Drop to ground level and level the ground under and around foundations.

- It is also possible to make a basement at this point, using techniques outlined
in the Basements tutorials.