You can also use it to combine objects to make them look different - try putting two plants on top of one another to see the effect easily.
You can use it to sell back or delete items that are otherwise not removable - floods, dirty dishes, etc, to place things in odd places not normally allowed ingame - a radio on the floor, for instance.
When you have done what you need to do with this cheat, turn it off by using moveobjects off - otherwise it can play havoc with your Build mode tools (for instance you cannot place diagonal doors and windows with it on) and may cause crashes.
Turn on the cheat. Select the Sim and delete her. Exit to Neighbourhood screen, saying Yes to save. This is scary but if you then go back into the house from Neighbourhood screen she will be standing outside the house, refreshed. Doesn't affect her Aspiration score, but her skills will be reset to the previous time you saved her ingame - i.e. if you made her skill till she dropped and then refreshed her then she gets no benefit from the skilling but reverts.
this cheat seems to change.
Look at the single row of tiles next to the road - where mailbox and bin are situated - you can now, once Open For Business is installed, only put floor tiles on them. If you try to move the mailbox or bin along this row you will get the "location out of bounds" error message.