[ Sims 2 Stories ] Ayodhya ] Asylum Challenge ]

Fit the Eleventh


I'm Myra, who was the relatively sane Sim in the Loon family, in the Flowers Sanatorium household, and working my way up the Architecture career. I had always rather fancied being a Town Planner. I rebuild cars for a hobby and occasionally make toy robots and toy bricks. We live in a rather Gothic asylum building, which I am sure is haunted. Slightly.

Some of my former roomies are off in hospital, recovering from burns, and two, Zack the alien, and Jock, the King of Albion, have died. 

Ben, one of my two remaining housemates, has fallen deeply in love with the doctor, Michelle, and it was reciprocated. 

Sam, the other housemate, is a very grumpy chap. Doctor Michelle warned me not to get too involved with him, as she says his records show him as a dangerous psychopath. I'm not convinced. Grumpy, manipulative, yes, but he seems okay to me on the whole. And he is a very fine piano player. It was me who convinced the Doctor that he should get a career of his own, in the music profession.

After the fire from the weather machine, which I always felt was the Doctor's fault, Trinny and Shelly had been taken to hospital suffering from severe burns. 

Now they returned triumphant, with their skin as good as new, thanks to the miraculously curative properties of the DMA medicine in the Desiderata hospital. I was totally delighted to see them again.

I still had that old lamp in my rucksack, and when I pulled it out, a genie appeared... I knew it! It WAS an Aladdin-type lamp. 

He offered me three wishes and I asked for full mental health! This made me feel much better, though the doctor said I was pretty well cured now anyway, but if I wanted to believe that superstitious stuff, I could... 

Mind you, the other two wishes were to  resurrect Jock and Zack... but unfortunately Zack came back as a zombie. 

He was very unhappy as a zombie and a few days later, shot himself. 

We had a REALLY BAD infestation of flies for a few days afterwards. 

The Reaper told me there was no way to get him back once he had been a zombie. 

Jock was still very depressed at having died without regaining his throne, and the Therapist had to be called back in for him. Eventually he seemed to accept that the Imposter, as he calls the Queen, had won, and he started to take an interest in other things.

Sam in his turn was not happy at the return of the two women and the men either. When the house had been relatively uncrowded, he had been much more content. Now he really felt bad again, and he made sure we knew it. The only time he was happy was when he was playing the piano. The rest of the time he pulled pranks on us or simply sulked.

Meanwhile Mal, delighted at her return, proposed engagement to Trinny, and they agreed that as soon as they could leave the asylum and get jobs, they would marry. Trinny managed to land a job as a file clerk. Sam said he didn't feel like going out into the "real world" and getting a job, so he started to write a novel.

We're planning a shopping trip for some new clothes. Me and Trinny and Shelly.