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Lights in Jericho 3

Tita meanwhile accepted a blind date with Vidcund Curious. She actually describes him as "blindingly stunning".

They did actually reach the bar. Eventually.

Tita I was still feeling very queasy. She and Tita had been experimenting with Tiberium before they went to Egypt, it must be that.

Remembering the lamp in her sandy backpack, she called up the genie. Long life! Yay. The genie was rather nice too, very tactile and huggy.

Lego Block phoned Tita Second. "You'll never guess! BOTH my mothers are pregnant! We went to the Spring Fair and Tita was running to the loo to barf... and then Tita I came in and she was - well, the dress she was wearing couldn't hide it. The bump! Yes! Yes! No... I can guess who Tita's boyfriend is. She had some dates with Vidcund Curious lately. He's all right, in a geeky kind of way. Yeah I know! ... Yeah - we all are. It's a family thing. He would fit right in. No idea about hers - you know before our holidays we all sat down and discussed this, and they - we - agreed we were going to be just a female clan. And now look, babies sprouting wherever I look. NO! No, I don't want a baby of my own. It's going to be crazy enough around here as it is. Tita's all dreamy and cow-ish. She sort of moons around. Tita I is just like she usually is, very down to earth and matter of fact, she's like, well, yeah I'm gonna have a baby, so what?"

Tita bought out the bookshop next door to the greengrocery.

"Let's go to France!" Tita Second suggested. "I need to do some project there for school. And if we go before - the Events - it will be easier?"

"We can't go," said Tita. "But you can! Go by yourself, it's time you jumped out of the nest."

"Wish I could take Lego with me," said Tita Second.

"Why not? I'll talk to Spock," said Tita. "It's a great idea. Or maybe he and Invisi would like to go too?"

"She's got the twins to look after, she might not."

"And in the meantime, Tita Second can help with the twins. It won't hurt to learn some child care."

"Told you, I AM NOT going to be anyone's built-in babysitter!" Tita Second shouted.

Tita I's baby was called Ahmediaz. After his father.

And so it was decided. Tita Second set off for France with Lego and Spock. "Don't worry about Dad. He's pretty cool when Mom isn't around."

Spock was happy. He and the teens set off for France, leaving Invisi home with the twins.

Investigative Journalism, that's what this is. Habit of a lifetime.

"You pig!"

Well, growing boys need their food.

"I have something I want to say to you, while Dad's being chatted up by that wierd Frenchman. I think you're stunning."

Soon after they arrived back, the twins started school. Tita Second was quite relieved to return home.

Tita I's second baby was born. She was called Lakshmi, and blue. Waggles approved.

Tita invited Vidcund to the Spring Festival, and he then, well d'uh! realised that she too was pregnant.

Tita's baby was born, she called him Sanjib.

Vidcund and Tita got married, quietly.

She and Sanjib moved into Vidcund's house, getting ready to buy a house of their own. She called home and picked up a couple of the heart-cut soulstones that were her savings. They didn't need much money, she was still making a very good amount as a Mad Scientist, and had no intention of giving that up.
