[ Decrapifying ] [ Patching ]
[ Lifetime Happiness Cheat ] [Story
Progression ] [Switching Families ] [ Death ] [ Remember ] [ Empty Clubs ] [ New Clean Game ] [ Cheats ] [ Moving House ] [ Gardening and Farming ] [ Lot
too Low ] [ PlantSims ] [ Genies ]
[ Mummies ] [ Simbots ]
[ Toad Sims ][ Zombies ] [ Werewolves ]
[ Imaginary Friends ]
- Can fail at Alchemy.
- Can be turned by a witch.
- If he asks someone for a kiss, they MAY become toadified too. A Sim can
Kiss the toad to revert him to human, but this may backfire on the kisser,
who then ALSO
a toad! Two toads can't kiss each
To detoadify him?
- A witch can cast the Sunlight Charm on him.
- A fairy can also cure him.
- Sometimes, travelling via LLAMA works. There is a chance it will turn your
sim into a Tragic Clown instead, and unlike toadification, Tragic Clown-ness
only lasts for a day. Sometimes it does not do anything
at all.
- Alchemy: The
Potent Cure cures all Supernatural states and makes your sim human again.
This requires level 7 Alchemy skill
plus 3 ingredients
which may not always be available in the Alchemy store: Wolfsbane
flower, Glow Orb Mushroom, and Ruby Gemstone. You can throw the cure/potent
cure elixir at other sims, including
- The regular Cure removes supernatural maladies without removing their supernatural
state, is level 2 Alchemy? and cheaper ingredients.
- Lifetime reward: Moodlet Manager which costs 60,000
points. With this, Sims can cure themselves or others. There is a chance when
using the Moodlet Manager machine, instead of curing him, the toadified Sim
will be drained of all energy instead, and fall to the
ground asleep. When the toad-Sim wakes up, just try the Moodlet Manager on
him again and it should cure him of being a toad.
- Move the toadified Sim into another house (in Edit Town mode). This has
worked for me every time I've had a toadified Sim.
Cheat: just hit crtl shift and c in the cheat
box then type in testingcheatsenabled
true then
crtl click on the frog moodlet.
July 31, 2019