This was built with a game patched up to level 1.26, with everything up to and including Generations and Pets installed.
It's mostly unfurnished.
It's loosely inspired by the buildings of Cuthbert Broderick, a Victorian architect who built many fine civic buildings in19th century England. His best known design, which he achieved through architectural competition when he was 29, is for Leeds Town Hall. The building was opened in 1858 by Queen Victoria. Sadly I was not able to complete the likeness: Sims 3 only allows 5 stories above ground, which is nowhere near enough to do justice to the fine tower he designed.
I placed the rabbithole in the basement as that is the only way I know of to share Community Lots which is guaranteed content-free. If you wish, delete the Town Hall and insert a rabbit-hole rug or door instead.
Ingame it functions as Police Headquarters, Army Headquarters and Town Hall. (I built it on a plot of land from Appaloosa that combined these functions; I've tested it in a new game and it works - please let me know if you have any problems with it..)
Like the original Leeds Town Hall, it has a large concert hall. It also functions as Legislature, and there are plenty of rooms to make courtrooms or jail cells, as well as offices and restrooms.
From the roof, which can be reached by lift, there is a fine view over your city and access to the domed top of the building. This could easily convert to a fine mayoral penthouse suite.