Looking at the Challenge listed here on Sims Daily Forum. I have played all the World Adventures Tombs, many of them too many times.
So I wondered about downloadable, user-made tombs. I have tried to make a few of my own, but mostly I look at others...
I thought I might try out some of these with my Sims, attempting to follow the rules here.
There is a list of downloadable user-made tombs here. I'm sure there are many more, and if you know of any not listed please do email me with information and preferably links!
– You must have 3-8 sims in your adventuring group. They can be Young Adult and above and any genders you like. They can be related in any way or not related at all. But there must be 3-8 sims in the group, of Young Adult age and above.
– You can use any traits you like but they must all be different. So no giving every adventurer the ‘Brave’ or ‘Adventurous’ traits! So create each sim with individual personalities.
– Your Adventurers mustn’t have any existing Lifetime Rewards that could affect their adventuring. These include ‘Prepared Traveller’, ‘Jetsetter’, etc. However, if they earn enough Lifetime Reward points, by all means purchase these to make things easier.
– Keep ageing turned off for this challenge. You don’t want them dying of old age of ageing up in the middle of their break at home!
-Starting funds are entirely up to you. You can use ‘freerealestate’ to allow your sims to start out with their default starting funds and not have to buy the house. Or you can buy the house and use the money left for the travels. It’s up to you!
-No cheating! No teleporting! Your adventurers must have a plentiful supply of dried food, tents and shower-in-a-can before setting off into a tomb. You may, however, use the Zeneport feature, if your sim has level 5 of the Martial Arts Skill. But no cheating their needs.
– The Adventurers must enter all tombs together. So no sending two sims into the Tomb of Discovery and leaving the others behind. Everyone goes together. The only exception to this rule is Abu Simbel. Only one sim enters Abu Simbel but you may choose which sim to send. The others must wait in the first tomb room in the temple for their friend to return. However, if you are in a tomb, you are welcome to send sims into different parts of the tomb. But they must still be on the same lot and inside the same tomb.
-When selecting a sim for a task within a tomb, select the sim closest to the task. For example, if there is a rubble pile to clear, select the sim who is standing the closest to the rubble pile.
– No vacation homes! Not until the challenge is over. All your adenturers must stay at the base camp so even if/when you reach Visa Level 3 with one of your members, they cannot buy a home.
– You may choose whichever location you please for your first adventure. And there are no restrictions on how to go about your adventuring. You can choose one location and complete every tomb in it first before moving to the next, or rotate through each location. As long as you complete them all, it doesn’t matter.
I'll play these in my custom worlds, with Sims I already have. Some will already have some skills.
These Tombs are not quite the same as the WA-world ones. So I'm doing each one as an adventure, and as a review of the tomb.
Scoring will be purely on what each Sim finds/learns during the adventure.
Sita June 6, 2021