[ Sims 2 Stories ] [ Mole, Kat, Una, Frost, and Weir ] [ Winkses and a Couple of Kats ] [ Pleasant Update ] [ Monty in Riverblossom ] [ The Auriels ] [ Jan Tellermann ] [ Senza Parole ] [ The O'Mackeys ] [ Petite Fleurs ] [ Three and a Half Goths and one Traveller, Bells, Dreamers ] [ Love ] [ Jessica's Conversion ] [ Some time later in the Uberhood ] [ The Sad Sad Tale of Jessica Peterson ] [ Belladonna Cove ] [ Strangetown Bulletin 1 ] [ Jan Tellerman ]
Gina, née Avers, is the late lamented Simmiecal's Self-Sim originally from this thread on MATY. (Sorry, the download was on Megaupload and has therefore gone.)
Pescado made a special Commemorative Edition for her which I'm pirating.
She had custom Warlokk meshes. I've compromised by making her a RenSim shape.
Here are a couple of shots of her, unmarried and discussing the future of knitting with Ben Long.
Appeared in Kutto's Bachelor Challenge as herself, Gina Avers. At the end of which "MsMaria, Jess Marie and Gina Avers bought a place together" in my MATY Strangetown Hood.
And during the Zombie Apocalypse which finished off that Hood, she went the way of most MATYzens.
Resurrected at the beginning of my latest incarnation of the Uberhood, she lived quietly in Belladonna Cove until she married Connor Weir. She got new hair at this point.
With whom she's blissfully happy making babies.