[ Sims 2 Stories ]
Dear Diary
I am slowly getting to know people here.
After sleeping for a little, I went for a just-after-midnight snack and met some more of my fellow patients. One of them, Zack, is quite convinced he is an alien. He has pointy ears and looks a bit like Mr Spock I suppose. But then Shelly could pass for Scully. So who knows?
Yes, they told me we are patients. This is a hospital. When I asked Shelly what kind, she got a fit of the giggles; told me it was a loony bin. We are waiting for the consultant apparently.
This is Mal. He told me he has post-traumatic stress disorder - whatever that is. Something to do with buses. If you say "bus" he screams and runs away.
The doctor showed me and Mal around - in one room there is a set of machines for making things. She said this is so that we can do something called "Occupational Therapy". Mal and I had a fit of the giggles about it - I can't imagine me doing this stuff. I mean, fancy making a toy from a brick??? I would have to be REALLY bored...
"Can't I get a real job instead? Anything to get out of here?"
"The weather is fine, get out in the garden. You have a great space out there, and no-one uses it. When you have been properly evaluated we will talk about getting you a day pass for a little job."
So I and a few of the others went and sat outside for a while. But it was actually getting cold - it is autumn. We soon came back inside and put on the telly.
After we came back inside...
"Oh fantastic! Let's watch the Super Chef AGAIN! I can't wait!" Sam was quite snappy and bored with TV.
"Sam, don't be so mean," said Jock. "Lady Myra likes that program."
"Fine. I will just go and chop a few plants down in the garden then." He stalked off.
Jock, sitting next to me at the table, is nice, then told me a great secret. He is really the rightful King of England, or Albion, as he calls it. That's why he wears a kilt. And he calls me Lady Myra! I like that.
I don't know what the doctor said to Shelly but she really didn't like it. She cried. A lot. But not as much as Trinny. She's always crying. Or hiding in cupboards.
Managed to grab a shower while the doctor kept everyone else busy - unless they were just hiding from her..
Being an insomniac isn't always a good thing. Very late that night, I overheard the doctor - she trapped Ben and lectured him for an hour. I thought I heard her say something about turnips. I think she was telling him he was one. Funny. Doesn't look much like a turnip to me.