Game breaks on loading. What to do?
- The first thing you should always try when your game fails to load is very
Delete the files called Groups.cache, cigen.package and Accessories.cache located at: My Documents\EA Games\The
Sims 2.
These files can become corrupted stopping your game from loading.
Its safe to delete as the game will generate a new one on loading. More
information about this.
After installing Free Time I seem to have to do this every time I run the
game, or BodyShop, or HomeCrafter.
It may be helpful to remove the contents of the SavedSims folder.
Delete the contents of the Thumbnails folder. These too will be
- Another thing you can do is defrag your drives regularly. Note that if
your game is installed on a drive other than C you still need to keep a
reasonable amount of space on the C drive, as all Sims games create temporary files on C.
The less red the better!
- The next thing to check is your downloads and skins. This is a time
consuming business, and I do it in two parts.
- I run Sims2Pack Clean Installer - get it here
- this checks for any clashing objects. Doesn't seem to have a help
file, but I
delete all the files that show up in pink and anything that says Empty
- If that still doesn't fix the game, a visual check of the folders. My
game simply does not run if it has .JPG, .ZIP, .RAR etc files in the
downloads folder. EVERYTHING in there should be a .PACKAGE file. Even if
it has a wierd numerical name.