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Separating Craigs and Oona Goes Wild

Nicholaus went to see his adoptive father, Jacob Salaman. Well, his step-father's divorced partner. It's complicated.

"You're the nearest thing to a real dad I've ever had, not that stupid nerk Jeromy. He's - we're not getting on. I mean REALLY not getting on. Dewayne is so interested in his new girl that he hasn't time to listen to me. Can I come and stay with you instead?"

"Well, of course - but you have to realise I am with someone new, Ernest. Let me introduce you, oh but of course you can! I would love you to come and stay as long as you like."

Jacob and Ernest had been spending most of their time on Jacob's houseboat. But it was time to buy a proper home onland: Ernest was a lot older than Jacob and was struggling to get down the ladders on the boat. So they agreed to buy a house for the three of them, and maybe a puppy for Nicholaus.

So Nicholaus moved in with his foster-father, whom he preferred to call his best friend, and Ernest.

The new house wasn't really big enough, so they set to work. Luckily Ernest was very handy.

The only thing that did not need redoing was the roof - that just needed some extra parts adding. They made a pool and an upstairs room for Nicholaus.

Oona goes Wild

Oona's boyfriend, Scott. He danced himself to death. At least he died happy.

The whole gang from Sunrise Retirement went to his funeral.

Oona then married Simon Wolf. Rebound?

His former wife Lily, not most pleased to find herself suddenly divorced, moved into Sunrise, and Oona and Simon moved into his little house, on the pier. Oona lost no time in making the surprisingly dry basement into nectar storage.

"This Genie Lamp was the last present Scott gave me. I'll wish for Long Life, because he couldn't."
