
1. Juliette Capp

Juliette grew up in Verona. When she went to University, her fiancé Romeo made it very plain he intended to "play the field". She dropped out of University, not being a very academic sort of Sim. She went to stay with her Aunt and Uncle Capp in Riverblossom Hills to look after their children while her Aunt Goneril was unwell.

2. Natasha Una

Natasha lives in Desiderata Valley. Being a natural pessimist and already convinced she would not win this Challenge, she asked her teenage friend Ivanna Copur to house-sit for her.

Interests: Arts and Crafts and grilled cheese. Has been working in an office, making the coffee for the boss, and thought this sounded like a better way to make some money, and maybe a way to make some new friends.

3.  Tara Katt

Tara Katt, niece of the famous Ginia Katt, breeder of fine pedigree cats, hails from Pleasantview.  She invited Brittany Upsnott to house-sit, being another one who is pretty sure she will not win. Brittany agreed on the basis that she might be able to "raise the tone" of Pleasantview by moving there. 

Tara is very much a cat person. Hers are called Mickey, Samantha and Faline. But she adores all animals and would love to work on a farm. Tara is a good listener, having listened to her Aunt's chat for hours on end. But for her, the most important thing is to find Mr Right.

4. Jodie Larson

Jodie is from Belladonna Cove, where she was living in an expensive apartment. A Townie at heart, ambitious, wants to get herself known in the wider world. Hard nosed, ambitious, she says herself she is all about the money.

5. Chastity Gere

Chastity lives in Belladonna Cove. Another Townie. She knows she looks good, but is not vain, but she admits to being ambitious. Entered the challenge to get on network TV and become a celebrity.

6. Roxie Sharpe

Not such a dumb blonde. Recently got her degree, summa cum laude 4.0 in Psychology. She, brother and boyfriend all did very well in exams... She can take a computer to pieces and put it together again, and plays a fierce drow warrior on WoW. She fell heavily (3 strikes) for one of her women teachers at Uni, Prof Vamsi. Something funny happened to her brother at Uni too... he started to get rather fat. She says she's all about new experiences.

7. Meadow Thayer

Meadow dropped out of University, because she felt there was nothing for her there. Doesn't really know what she wants, except to be happy and to be married.

Day One